Background on Facilities
Time has taken its toll. After 50+ years of patching leaks and dealing with continual mechanical system breakdowns, in late 2019 the architectural firm Beyer Blinder Belle (BBB) was hired to assess the condition of the cathedral and diocesan complex.
BBB produced a comprehensive Conditions Assessment Report in 2020 that outlined many deficiencies. A year later, BBB produced a second report to consider the space utilization to allow for potential rentable square footage in the Diocesan Admin Buildings to produce rental income.
By April 2022, the Diocesan Council and Board of Trustees jointly voted to:
The Architecture Firm of Beyer Blinder Belle
BBB is well known for its expertise in restoring, revitalizing, and reusing historic buildings and sites.
Their approach is based on research and analysis, a thorough understanding of the cultural context, and the development of appropriate preservation methodologies.
They give new life to historic projects through the sensitive and creative integration of contemporary program accommodations, life safety, and infrastructure systems.
What BBB brings to the table:
Extensive experience working on our type of building.
Extensive experience working in NYC.
Extensive network of subcontractors in the specialty trades needed for our work.
What this means for us:
Avoid delays.
Knowledge of what this type of work should cost.
Avoid making mistakes.
Valuable advice to make trade-off decisions.
Better contractor pricing through their wide network of trades and reputation.